Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chibi Vampire Karin

As you can see from this opening it this about a vampire. The opening does have a low of flash nude shots which reminds me of the earlier topic about nudity. Cute nude vampire girl who makes blood instead of taking it. Mostly. Anyway, it is fanservice for certain..male fans. The opening anyway. The story is a bit more than that though. Both the anime and manga uses Karin's vampirism as an allegory for growing up and that entails. It has a lot of cute stuff as well. Don't let the nudity in the opening discourage you. Do any of you like the song?


fuzzemdemon said...

Yeah I think that this some is pretty cool. i just wonder, why is it that they have them naked in the opening. As fas as I can tell there is no reason.

perphila said...

I know. I guess it's to keep young guys interested...:)