Saturday, March 1, 2008

New Stuff

I am adding new stuff all the time recently. I added a new video bar linked to you tube to cruise for something new to watch in Anime. I also added a link to my own store at the top. Any time anyone gets the urge to buy something from amazon related to manga or anime please think of me first *smile*. There a few more ads and stuff and I know it can be a drag but click them and help a poor family out *rattles tip cup*. Anyway, I was thinking about a new topic and it hit me. Duh. Fanfiction. How many of you read them? I do. I have for about 5 years now. I am always blown away by how much is out there related to anime and manga. How does a grown woman get sucked into something seemingly so, well...add your own description here. I actually stumbled upon it when I was searching for original fiction. I like reading things by unpublished authors and if I am lucky, over time see their skills improve and even see some become published. It is like watching your own child grow. *sniff* Some stuff out there is really and I mean REALLY horrid. Some is just an excuse to write porn. BE SELECTIVE. Most big sites have a rating system that helps. If you have a kid who is surfing for that kinda stuff, rating or not you can read the nasty stuff real easy. I try and read everything my kids do or at least try. So I have quite an age range from the alphabet to high school. I am thinking I may add some links to some of the stuff i am reading but that may wait for a bit. How to find time to read that when your favorite manga is out there is not easy. What soothes the pain is the fact that it's FREE. When you are waiting for the the next release you can just go online and find a story and pretend it's an elseworlds kind of tale. Even better, write something yourself and practice your rusty writing skills if you are old like me or keep them sharp and improve if you are a numericly challanged person (either up or down on the number scale). Let's see if anyone can post their favorite fanfiction sites before I do....please...:)

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