Monday, March 10, 2008

Update and learning the blog ropes

Isn't she cute! I love the Read or Die series. Manga, Movie, tv show. There are a lot of different shows and manga I didn't mention on my lists we (my family and I) have read and watched that we really like and this is one of them. I have slacked big time on posting here. However, it wasn't because I was ignoring it. I have been trying to learn stuff, real basic, on blogs and things. I am a real novice. I am amazed at how much fun stuff there is to learn and do. I hope to improve and make this a fun place. Anyway, I have found I am having a hard time keeping up with all the stuff I have downloaded and trying to read and watch things. Anyone else have that problem. Sometimes I sit down and find something really interesting and download it and by the time that's done I have to log off because I have other things to do. Having four kids is time consuming...:) I am trying to watch Ai Yori Aoshi Enshi and am having trouble finding quiet time. I have to read Kodocha and Case Closed manga with my son. Some of the pages aren't translated and that is a bit disappointing. I wish I could read and translated Japanese and Korean. My oldest son is learning Japanese. I should steal his learning program! I have also started Shinobi Life. I have only read the first chapter and it doesn't take much for me to read a whole volume before I decide to either go the whole way or stop. So far I will continue to read it. I like the time travel idea. I can see it will be shojo all the way but not too cute. There is enough mystery to keep me wondering so far. Although I am more interested in Fairy Cube which I have also started. Crazy aren't I? I have been downloading Shinobi Life and I am real concerned about getting the third chapter. The place I have been using has it in rar format and I can't open those on my mac. I have desktop windows but I am too lazy to transfer stuff around. I did find a rar expander and tried to install it on the mac laptop but it didn't work. I will have to try again. If I can't I may give up on the series since I have so much other stuff to read and I am not totally into it yet. One of my Kodocha volumes is in rar too. Soooo, I am going to have to figure something out. What little Japanese I do know my father taught me from when he lived there. It isn't enough to get by I'm afraid. I'm sorry I just rambled this time. I will try and be more thought provoking next time. Still, I doubt I am the only one who has the time for reading problem and the downloading problem. Let me hear your problems. Not that I can do a darn thing about it! :)

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