Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I need the pattern for this...

Brain Bunny. Cool huh? The fact the brain comes out is so hilarious! I know, I know. Very interesting but what has it got to do with manga or anime? Well, nothing. I just like it. You have to admit, there is something in the mentality of it that reminds you of some kinds of manga work. The really odd stuff not horror. I think of Alice in Wonderland when I see this...not the Disney version. Speaking of that book here is a little quirk of mine. Snark. I love that word. Snarky. I was told once that it wasn't a word. Hello Webster. It is and I like it. Read the Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark. Don't you love what people thought was appropriate for children's literature? Below is the link for the Brain Bunny. The site has a lot of cool stuff and I wish they would pay me for putting it here...alas. There is a knitting group where I live I go to from time to time (I am a novice knitter) called the Hookers (pun intented). Despite the humor of their name I don't think they would try and figure this pattern out. They are uhmm...older ladies.


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