Monday, March 31, 2008

Vision of Escaflowne

This was the first anime my boys ever saw, Then Pokemon hit and it was all downhill from there for the kids...:) Anyway, although this has a lot of romance in it and could be considered shoujo in a lot of ways it also has..dragons...mechs...swords..knight and princesses...war....evil villains...and a cat girl. Something for the boys out there. I LOVE Van. I would love to use that name. I like the anime series a lot. Not the one shown briefly on fox because of the editing. Fox was the way we first saw it though. Then I went out and found the dubbed version. The movie was ok but too condensed. There is so much going on in the story you do want to miss anything. The manga, well, there are two different versions. One more shoujo one more shonen. I am reading the shonen version right now and Van is more of a brat with a foul mouth to boot. It is funny though to read it when you are used to the anime. Hitomi is naked a lot in the manga too. Definitely shonen. oh and the best part is Dilandu.....cheek...cheek....cheek.

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